- 1. History
- 2. Climate & Geography
- 3. Demography & Society
- 4. Politics
- 5. Customs & Traditions
- 6. Flora & Fauna
- Summary
- References and External Links
1. History
Following the period of Agricultural development in South-East Asia around 7,000~5,000 BC, proto-Melanesian migrants began to arrive in the archipelago around 4,000 BC.
Between 1,200~800 BC, the Lapita people from eastern Papua New Guinea, migrated to the Solomons via a long-range canoe voyage. Lapita pottery sheds and wall paintings can still be found in some parts of the country.
During the Second World War, the Solomon Islands was the scene of some of the most intense and severe battles between the US-led Allied forces and the Japanese. The Battle of Guadalcanal was the most decisive and probably the most bloody of the many battles fought here. There are still many ruins and remnants of the war all over the country, and the remaining bones of the soldiers are being discovered even today. The country receives memorial visits from veterans and bereaved family members from both sides every year. -
2. Climate & Geography
The Solomon Islands is a wide spread archipelago nation consisting more than 990 islands. The country lies in the midst of Melanesia; bounded by Papua New Guinea to the west, Republic of Nauru to the north, Tuvalu and Fiji to the east, and Republic of Vanuatu to the south.
Solomon Islands' ocean-equatorial climate is humid throughout the year, with high temperature of 32 C and low temperature of 21 C. Although seasons are not pronounced, there is a predominant northwest wind between January and May, bringing with it a season of more frequent rainfall and occasional squalls or cyclones, whereas June through October is usually the cooler period due to the southeastern Trade Wind. Even in the summer's hottest months, sea breezes along the shore keep the climate fresh, providing a rather comfortable stay in and around the capital city of Honiara.
3. Demography & Society
Although 93% of the people are ethnically Melanesians, the color of the skin, the body frame, and the language spoken is unique to each island or island group. Over 100 distinct languages and dialects are spoken in the country, but the "Solomon Pijin" is commonly used to communicate outside the tribes.
Generally speaking, inland Melanesians are small hunter-farmers who live in the mountains and forests and depend much on root crops and tropical fruits, whereas the coastal tribes rely a great deal on marine resources for sustenance.
More than 80% of the land in the country is owned under customary tenure and neither the government nor expatriates may own it. How to blend and harmonize the strong and often opposing forces of modern market economy and custom tradition such as land ownership, is one of the crucial factors which will determine the country's future development. -
4. Politics
Solomon Islands is a member of the British Commonwealth, with its constitutional monarchy and parliamentary system of government. Queen Elizabeth II is the Monarch and Head of State of the Solomon Islands. She is represented by the Governor General who is chosen by the parliament for a five-year term.
The six main islands: Guadalcanal, Choiseul, Santa Isabel, the New Georgia Islands, Malaita, and Makira (San Cristobal) and the other outer islands are divided and administered by 9 provinces and the capital district of Honiara.
There is a unicameral parliament of 50 members, elected for four-year terms. The head of the government is the Prime Minister, who is elected by parliament and chooses the other members of the cabinet. -
5. Customs & Traditions
Head-hunting was practiced in some parts of Solomon Islands in pre-colonial days as some people believed that the skull contained the life-force of a person. And there are still century-old skull houses protected in some parts of the country.
"Shell money" is also often found in these sacred locations. Shell money is an old form of currency, used for payment of bride price, compensation, peacemaking, and land settlements. This is one "kastom" (custom in English) that was widely practiced in Solomon Islands, and still plays a key role in rituals and ceremonies.
Artificial islands in Malaita are another distinctive feature. Although these man-made islands are being built even today, some of them go back generations to the 16th century. There are many more interesting customs and traditions such as "Dolphin Drive", a unique fishing technique to attract dolphins into shallow inlets by clashing and stomping stones together underwater to create a resonating effect; or "Shark Calling" a traditional shark-feeding ceremony to worship sharks as one's totem and protector. -
6. Flora & Fauna
The majority parts of these islands are covered by rain forests, deep and rich undisturbed nature, although some forests have come under pressure from forestry activities. According to Solomon Islands Visitors Bureau, current estimates put a total of 4500 plant species and 173 species of birds including the famous Megapode bird which nests in the thermal sand of some islands in Central and Western Provinces.
The Solomon Islands rest in the eastern end of the coral triangle, and the tropical marine water around the New Georgia Islands comprises the world highest biodiversity. Lake Tengano is the largest fresh water lake in the South Pacific, and is situated in the world's largest coral island, Rennel Island. The eastern Rennel region is listed as a World Heritage site by UNESCO.
The country, however, is still in the process of developing its tourism industry, and is not as well known to the outside world as Papua New Guinea, Fiji, New Caledonia and other countries in the South Pacific. This minimal contact with the outside world accounts for the fact that many customs and traditions are still kept and practiced in some of the remote provinces. This is also why the Solomon Islands is truly the last frontier in the South Pacific, and the ideal destination for those seeking outdoor adventure, magnificent scenery and an unforgettable experience in getting to know the friendly people of the Solomons and their diverse cultures and customs. -
Official Name Solomon Islands Land Area 28,500 km square Population 550,000 Capital Honiara (70,000-) Demography Melanesian (93%), Polynesian, Micronesian, ethnic European & Chinese Common Language Solomon Islands Pijin Religion Christian Currency Solomon Islands Dollar (SBD) Time Zone UTC+11(no DST) Brief History A Spanish navigator, Alvaro de Mendaña de Neira, arrived and introduced islanders to some of the ways of Western world in 1568.
In the mid 19th century, Missionaries began to visit the Solomon Islands. Around the same time, recruitment of islanders as conscripted laborers for the sugar cane and copra plantations of Fiji and Australia markedly increased. The southern Solomon Islands were declared a protectorate of the United Kingdom in 1893.
In 1900, the northern end of the archipelago, previously under German jurisdiction, was also transferred to British administration.
During the Second World War, there was fierce fighting between the Americans and Japanese in the Solomon Islands campaign of 1942~43. The decisive battle of Guadalcanal is the most famous.
Self-government was established in 1976.
Solomon Islands Declared Independence in July 7th, 1978. -
References and External Links
- Ministry of Commerce, Industries, Labor, & Immigration: http://www.commerce.gov.sb/
- Solomon Islands Visitors Bureau: http://www.visitsolomons.com.sb/
- Solomon Times On-Line: http://www.solomontimes.com/
- Solomon Star: http://www.solomonstarnews.com/
- Happy Isles: http://happyisles.solotok.com/
- Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corp.: http://www.sibconline.com.sb/
- Wikipedia - Solomon Islands: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solomon_IslandsResorts in Solomon Islands
- Solomon Dive Adventures: http://www.solomondiveadventures.com/
- Tetepare Descendants' Association: http://www.tetepare.org/
- Zipolo Habu Resort: http://www.zipolohabu.com.sb/
- Uepi Island Resort: http://www.uepi.com/
- Agnes Lodge: http://www.agneslodge.com.sb/
- Sanbis Resort: http://www.sanbisresort.com/
- Bilikiki Cruise: http://www.bilikiki.com/
- fatboys: http://www.fatboysgizo.com/
Air Lines
- Solomon Airlines: http://www.flysolomons.com/
- Our Airlines / Air Nauru: http://www.southpacific.org/map/airnauru.html
- Pacific Blue: http://www.flypacificblue.com/
- Air Niugini: http://www.airniugini.com.pg/
- Air Pacific: http://www.airpacific.com/